Thank you for visiting Handmade Home on the Farmstead Stories website! I appreciate you taking the time to read what goes on in my kitchen.

I am a young wife and homemaker learning to cook from scratch and replace toxins by making my own products.
Grocery store goods are often harmful and offer little nutritional value. Consumerist culture is replacing home cooking skills by making it convenient to throw frozen meals on a pan in the oven or worse- in the microwave!
Many would not know where to begin with home-cooked meals, never mind knowing how to source locally grown or raised foods. I am hoping to shed some light on preparing meals made from scratch. As mentioned, I am a young wife and homemaker still learning ways to create a handmade home.
I started by replacing one thing in my kitchen at a time. I want to know for certain what ingredients I am putting into my body. Therefore, I began making my own products such as butter, mayonnaise, and more. I quickly realized that not only is homemade cheaper than store-bought, but it tastes significantly better.
When I developed a growing passion for making homemade consumable products, I turned to the cleaning cabinet next. I had so many products with labels I could hardly read and ingredients I could not pronounce.
Making homemade products with fresh farm eggs and cream or homemade cleaning supplies with vinegar and baking soda is a very rewarding investment. I am working on new products for both kitchen and cleaning weekly and will share them on the blog for you to follow along!
Thank you for investing in a handmade home and following Farmstead Stories!